Gender Equity Index
DDP recently released the first-ever Gender Equity Index for the U.S. dance industry.
Click below to learn more, view the questionnaire, and participate in DDP’s original survey.
February 14th: NoHo Afterschool Performing Arts Classes Spring Session, February 15th: Princess Grace Awards Program, February 15th: Aimed Dance Emerging Choreographer Fellowship, February 19th: Bethany Arts Community Residency Emerging Artist Fellowship, February 19th: Dancers' Group, February 21st: Making It Public for Massachusetts Artists, February 28th: National Dance Project Travel Fund, March 1st: New England States Touring (NEST 1 and 2), March 1st: Aimed Dance Summer Fest: Internship & Workstudy Scholarships, March 1st: Brabson Family Foundation, March 3rd: Culver City Artist Laureate Program, March 10th: CALT Folk and Traditional Arts Experiences, March 17th: Residency at Sitka, March 19th: Walking Together, March 31st: SIA Foundation Grants, April 1st: Harkness Foundation for Dance Grant Proposal, April 1st: The Democracy Cycle, April 10th: Amplifi Napa Valley - Emerging Artists Grant, April 30th: South Arts: Professional Development & Artistic Planning Grants, April 30th: Oconee Performing Arts Society, May 1st: Small Plates Choreography Festival, July 31st: Community Engagement Artists and Creatives Grant, September 16th: The Awesome Foundation Micro Grants, September 30th: New England Presenter Travel Fund, September 30th: Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet Scholarship, September 30th: 24 Seven Dance Convention, September 30th: National Theater Project Presenter Travel Grant
×DDP recently released the first-ever Gender Equity Index for the U.S. dance industry.
Click below to learn more, view the questionnaire, and participate in DDP’s original survey.
Dance Data Project® is a global resource for the study and analysis of major national and international dance companies, venues, and choreographic awards. In addition, DDP surveys ballet competitions, festivals and scholarship programs worldwide. We provide a resource for those seeking information about female choreographers, set, costume & lighting designers, as well composers of classically based dance music.
We also cover recent news (as you’ll see below) and provide an archive of articles related to issues surrounding classical dance, including pay transparency and equity, hiring and and harassment policies. Browse, have a look, and feel free to provide feedback by contacting us on our contact page. Many thanks for visiting.
DDP’s #WellSaid campaign compiles notable quotes from a wide array of artists, business leaders, politicians, and more. These words not only inspire the team at Dance Data Project® to continue advocating for women in ballet, but they often echo our research and illustrate the necessity for fundamental shifts within long standing institutions. With this variety of quotes, whether dance-related or pertaining to other fields, DDP aims to inspire cross-industry collaboration and change to advance art forms and industries past this unprecedented moment in history, creating a foundation for a new and better future in the arts. #WellSaid is an ongoing campaign that can be found on our website and Twitter. If you would like to suggest a quote for #WellSaid, please Direct Message us on Twitter @dancedatap.
We promote equity in all aspects of classical ballet by providing a metrics based analysis through our data base while showcasing women led companies, festivals, competitions, venues, special programs and initiatives. We focus on artists of merit: choreographers, photographers, lighting, costume, set designers, and commissioned composers.
We invite you to learn more about our organization, mission, our methods, and the results of our years of advocacy.
We encourage you to collaborate with us—let us know about special initiatives, or call our attention to areas for study or a company, artist, festival, competition or venue we haven’t discovered yet. We want to know what topics you think are important for further, in-depth research. Drop us a line. Our latest research is looped in below.
Published On: 10/13/22
The following report is Dance Data Project® (DDP)’s fourth annual Season Overview Report and analyzes the gender distribution of choreographers programmed by the largest 150 U.S. ballet and classically inspired companies between August 2021 and August 2022. This report is DDP’s most expansive to date and examines the Largest 150 U.S. ballet and classically influenced companies, compared to only the Largest 50 in previous reports.
Published on: 5/1/2022
Connecting the Dots is an ongoing campaign by DDP to advocate for the acknowledgment of the pandemic’s effect on women in the arts by policy makers, journalists, and funding organizations. DDP’s April 2021 databyte sourced over 60 articles and studies to reflect the generational suffering of women at the expense of COVID 19’s global impact. This year’s Data Byte dives deeper into this narrative, highlighting the pandemic’s even stronger hold on women as men have now completely recouped all their workforce losses.
Dance Data Project® Welcomes David Mallette to Board of Directors and Phil Chan to Advisory Council Northfield, IL | October 21, 2024 | Dance Data Project® (DDP) is excited to announce the addition of two distinguished leaders in the arts world to its growing team: David Mallette, President of Management Consultants for the Arts (MCA), has joined the DDP Board of Directors, and Phil Chan, co-founder of Final Bow for Yellowface, has joined the DDP Advisory Council. David Mallette, a seasoned performing arts administrator with over two decades of experience, has worked extensively in theater and dance. Since joining MCA...